Stacking coupons is the best way to maximize savings. What it means is combining a manufacture coupon with a store coupon. Sometimes the fine print on a coupon says, "cannot be combined with any other offer". This is referring to other like coupons for a single item. For example you cannot use two 1.00/1 coupons for a single product.
How I make stacking work for me is I look for coupons (manufacturer and store) that are for the same product. Ie a target coupon for 1.50/1 iams dog food and a manufacturer coupon for 3.00/1 iams. This way I will be getting 4.50 off the retail price of the product.
What if the coupons are for different amounts of products? If I have a store coupon for 5.00/2 cover girl products that means I must buy 2 cover girl items to use the coupon. If I have a manufacturer coupon for 2.00/1 cover girl product I can use two of them because I am buying two products. I would end up getting a total of 9.00 off of both or 4.50 off of each.